Providence is a series that premiered in 1999. It was a medical drama TV show that was created by John...
Read moreSummary Disney's most evil villains are compelling and drive their tales just as much as the heroes, from Jafar to...
Read moreSummary Denzel Washington collaborates again with director Ridley Scott in Gladiator 2, showcasing his exceptional talent in Hollywood and his...
Read moreAs time goes on, the wants and needs that emanate from the human soul distance themselves farther and farther away...
Read moreWhat does horror sound like? Music is an essential part of film, and when it comes to horror films, a...
Read moreSummary Magnum P.I.'s fifth season promises a complete and fulfilling ending, providing closure to all major plot threads despite not...
Read moreThe Caine Mutiny is an old classic that has been rewired to fit many different moments. Herman Wouk's novel tells...
Read moreWhile Sound of Freedom undoubtedly represented a passion project for everyone who was involved in the making of the film,...
Read moreIt's your company or your life — literally — in The Mill. The latest thriller in Hulu’s Huluween lineup gives...
Read moreWe as an audience are so fascinated with true stories, particularly true crime. Sometimes the best true crime, though, stems...
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